Our Mission

To teach about the life and character of the Prophet ﷺ, through our words and actions, to Muslims and people of other faiths.

Our Prophet ﷺ said:

“There are no days when good deeds are more beloved to Allah than during there ten”

Help Millions Know Him ﷺ

"You will be with the one you love." This is what our Prophet Muhammad said about the Day of Judgment. Falling in love with the Prophet Muhammad is our ticket to joining him in the Next Life. But how can we love someone we don't know?

Today, you can help millions know our Prophet ﷺ.
You can gift our Prophet ﷺ

CelebrateMercy is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with one goal: to teach about the Prophet's life and character. We do this through our words and actions; that is, through our programs and campaigns.


Since COVID-19...

Logistical and financial challenges imposed by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic necessitated a shift in programming and pace for CelebrateMercy. Since emergency orders requiring physical distancing and self-isolation were imposed. CelebrateMercy continued our Prophet-inspired work with:

Growing through Knowing

CelebrateMercy's programs have impacted lives in ways we never expected; we know this from the hundreds of programs surveys, emails, and testimonials we've received. So many Muslims have reconnected and fallen in love with the Prophet ﷺ. Viewers of other faith communities have learned more about him, gaining a newfound respect for the Prophet ﷺ.

Take a look at some of the feedback we received recently:

CelebrateMercy in the Media

News of our recent campaigns reached millions through outlets like CNN, The New York Times and tweets by celebrities like Ellen Degeneres. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert also applauded our campaign for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting which raised over $230,000. See our CNN interview and a clip of Stephen Colbert below: